
The idea that God will save ALL men and ZERO souls will be left in hell forever really upsets a lot of Christians. They often ask, “If everyone is going to heaven anyway then why preach the gospel?” My best response is a question back: If people are going to...

  • 2023-06-23

If we are to imitate God, then knowing how He will treat His enemies is important. Does God show mercy on all, like it says in Romans 11:32, or does He mercilessly torture unbelievers for eternity? Consider Matthew 5:43-48: Love Your Enemies 43 “You have heard that it was said,...

  • 2020-08-31

Recently, I have discovered that my faith in God was perhaps blasphemous, accusing God of having an eternal temper tantrum and having very little mercy for those overcome by the enemy, who He created and allowed into His Earth. I truly believed that God only had a plan for those...

  • 2019-04-27

Preface: I am a Christian. I do not say any of this in disrespect or mockery of God or His people. It is for an interesting illustration only.

  • 2018-11-08