Opinion Why Aren’t Campaigns More Like This? Writer #1, 2024-09-15 Presidential campaigns for elections should be way more open than they currently are. There should… Continue Reading
Desktop Victory Over Disabled Pasting In Text Fields! Writer #1, 2024-08-28 Are you tired of being FORCED to type when you want to paste? That’s right, I’m… Continue Reading
Opinion New Words: Novelity and Novelness Writer #1, 2024-08-262024-08-26 Novelity: the degree of novelty something has. Novelness: how much novelty something has. Examples: His… Continue Reading
Opinion More About Sortable Dates; Plus AutoHotKey Scripts! Writer #1, 2024-08-112024-08-11 As mentioned in my other post Date/Time Formatting Can Unite The World, dates and times should… Continue Reading
Opinion Online Privacy In The United States Writer #1, 2024-08-102024-08-11 The “beacon of freedom” in the world is the worst place in the world to store your documents and communications. Why? Because the government spying techniques are so advanced and pervasive that they devalue any company who stores their data in the US. Continue Reading
Faith Alien abductions are demonic and are STOPPED by the name of Jesus! Writer #1, 2024-08-082024-08-08 Continue Reading
For Fun New Crypto Coin Writer #1, 2024-08-042024-08-04 Since the cost of everything is compared to a cup of coffee, I introduce to… Continue Reading
Opinion Arguing With Integrity Writer #1, 2024-07-312024-08-08 I’ll be up front here: I do not support leftist ideology, democrat ideology, Joe Biden,… Continue Reading
Opinion New Word: Impossiblified Writer #1, 2024-07-252024-08-26 Impossiblified: to render something impossible. Example: I presented new evidence that impossiblified his theory. Continue Reading