
It took me a day but I figured out why my Verizon stopped working after rooting my droid, HTC Incredible 2. If you have this problem, just take your phone out of debugging mode. That’s settings –> security –> applications –> development –> uncheck usb debugging.

  • 2012-01-16

If it’s not painfully obvious, I use wordpress as my blog backend. Sure I can make it myself, and in the past I have, there is just something nice about not worrying about it. So, it’s wordpress. Anyway, I checked for a WordPress app on the droid and sure as...

  • 2011-12-24

Connect Bot I probably don’t need to sell any develpers on the advantages of being able to access your server while on the go. Once in a while you just have to. Programs like Astro, AndroZip, and ES File Explorer are ok for some things but what if you have...

  • 2010-06-24

Bible devotional for the Droid OS that combines a daily verse, daily reading, devotions, sermon podcasts, and social network sharing. Pros: – Reads your verses and daily reading to you – Let’s you share verses and readings with Facebook, Google Buzz, and Twitter – Displays daily reading plan verses –...

  • 2010-04-22

After using a note application, voice note application, list application, gDocs application, and having no real drawing application, I am pleased to get everything in one application. “Note Everything” is a do it all kind of app for the Droid. Note Everything gives you the ability to: create a note...

  • 2010-03-26

Androzip is a nice file viewer with the option to zip files as zip, gzip, or TAR. Very stable. Pros: Stable Intuitive Unique option for a handheld (zipping files) Ability to send files in email Cons: No thumbnail viewer for images No layout or view options Works nicely in conjunction...

  • 2010-02-18