It took me a day but I figured out why my Verizon stopped working after rooting my droid, HTC Incredible 2. If you have this problem, just take your phone out of debugging mode. That’s settings –> security –> applications –> development –> uncheck usb debugging.
If it’s not painfully obvious, I use wordpress as my blog backend. Sure I can make it myself, and in the past I have, there is just something nice about not worrying about it. So, it’s wordpress. Anyway, I checked for a WordPress app on the droid and sure as...
Connect Bot I probably don’t need to sell any develpers on the advantages of being able to access your server while on the go. Once in a while you just have to. Programs like Astro, AndroZip, and ES File Explorer are ok for some things but what if you have...
It doesn’t take long, does it? Droid close out. Incredible.
Bible devotional for the Droid OS that combines a daily verse, daily reading, devotions, sermon podcasts, and social network sharing. Pros: – Reads your verses and daily reading to you – Let’s you share verses and readings with Facebook, Google Buzz, and Twitter – Displays daily reading plan verses –...
After using a note application, voice note application, list application, gDocs application, and having no real drawing application, I am pleased to get everything in one application. “Note Everything” is a do it all kind of app for the Droid. Note Everything gives you the ability to: create a note...
Androzip is a nice file viewer with the option to zip files as zip, gzip, or TAR. Very stable. Pros: Stable Intuitive Unique option for a handheld (zipping files) Ability to send files in email Cons: No thumbnail viewer for images No layout or view options Works nicely in conjunction...