So, about 3 months of being caffeine free and I figured it’s time to post an update. I listed my symptoms at They included Tired Lack of ambition Difficulty concentrating Poor memory Light headed when going from squatting to standing Blush easily even when something is barely embarrassing Sleep is...
adrenal fatigue
(FYI: The Licorice I am referring to is the real licorice root. It is NOT the candy licorice. Licorice candy usually has no licorice, only anise.) Dumping caffeine for my adrenal health has led me to seek out a source of healing for my adrenals. Most searching I have done...
The Beginning Today is actually day three. I began on June 28, 2011 as a caffeine free man. Well, mostly. The first day …I experienced the expected headache and lethargy. It was distracting while I was at work but my co-workers were more than understanding and saw me through. I...