One major inconvenience with Windows is the way the OS applies updates. While I could drone on about my opinion on Windows vs Linux updates, I’ll keep this simple. Last night I chose to “Update and Shut Down” my laptop. Now, logically, one would think that the updates would be...
Preface: I am a Christian. I do not say any of this in disrespect or mockery of God or His people. It is for an interesting illustration only.
There are some controversial beliefs that I hold, of which I am solidly in the minority. Perhaps, less than 10% of the population would agree with me on certain beliefs. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, I am able to find like minds who espouse to some of my...
This is a photograph of where most Christians think hell is. This is the legendary valley of Hinnom, more recently called Gehenna.
Just in fun. I like Linux, for the most part.
Perspective can trick the brain into believing the eyes are seeing something they are not. My two monitors are slightly staggered. The right one is further back, only by a couple inches or so, but it causes the corner on the bottom to appear higher on the one further away,...
EDIT: I had two scenarios like this. The one written about here worked. The other one failed. The actual solution came from The solution is to fix the registry with the new value. And just in case his website comes offline before mine does, I'll post the code: Since...
Update here: Script Storage Update Throughout my career, my scripts have been a vital piece of my work. Where I store them has changed over the years. The challenge has been in finding a repository that is reliable, searchable, accessible from where I work, and that looks good with color-coding. Additionally,...
The trusty "sp_who2" is a quick way to look at what’s happening on your SQL instance, but completely lacks the ability to filter using a WHERE clause. You may have to manually sift through hundreds of results to find what you need. Never fear. This quick script gives you the...