
I often spend time hanging out with the trash on Reddit. It’s terrible content and most of the people are liberal extremists, or maybe liberal bots, for all I know, but it is a battleground where ideas are spread so I think it’s worth pushing my voice out there, regardless...

  • 2024-10-28

I’m calling this the “Countdown To Sleep Method”, that way we can refer to it as CTSM, because all established methods have their own acronym. CTSM has worked like magic for me. When you are laying in bed and cannot fall asleep, count down (silently in your head) from 100...

  • 2024-06-18

A while back, I made a post about how they use evolution as the catch-all explanation for everything: It’s frustrating to constantly see amazing design features attributed to random chance. We have so many intricate features in our bodies that all function together for a single purpose, and so...

  • 2023-11-15

What is a woman? That is the toughest question ever asked to someone who is denying that God made us male and female. Matt Walsh has assembled an amazing documentary that gives the floor to those who promote non-binary and/or gender fluid ideology. Nobody in the movie can answer it,...

  • 2023-06-06

Words commonly have double meanings. When they say that doctors are “baffled” about the sudden adult deaths, notice the second definition: baf·fle (băf′əl)tr.v. baf·fled, baf·fling, baf·fles1. To confuse or perplex, especially so as to frustrate or prevent from taking action: a patient whose condition baffled the physicians.2. To impede the...

  • 2022-09-26