Why aren’t big government control freaks, who want to control our health choices, combating obesity by criminalizing it?
Five of the top ten biggest killers are caused by obesity. Just look at the leading causes of death where obesity is a risk factor: ( https://www.healthline.com/health/leading-causes-of-death#heart-disease )

Obesity is extremely dangerous and should be a national health concern.
Remember the so-called COVID pandemic? Remember all the crazy measures they took in the name of preventing the spread of a deadly disease? Things like:
- arresting people gathering in groups larger than a certain size
- forcing mask wearing by kicking people out of stores if they didn’t wear something over their face
- forcing people to wear a mask in restaurants until they sat down
- forcing injections of unknown lab concoctions
- threatening our ability to earn a living if we didn’t take their experimental injection
- forcing human distancing in public places
- forcing us to only walk down store aisles in certain directions
- forcing stores to close to keep people home
- closing sections of restaurants
They did all those crazy things to help stop the spread, to “flatten the curve”, to “save just one life”. So why aren’t they making it illegal to be fat? It is deadlier than COVID.
Sadly, we know the reason why it’s not illegal. They can’t outlaw their own type. They only make laws against “other” people.