Writer #1

Hypocrisy or just political sport?  That is the question. Hillary proposes a bill to make flag burning illegal and everyone is fine with it.  As soon as Donald Trump suggests the same thing, everyone loses their mind!  Why do we always see this?  When the democrats propose something, the republicans...

  • 2016-12-13

Having varying experiences with nootropics, I have landed on Piracetam as my choice nootropic.  It is likely that everyone’s chemistry is different and what works for you may send me crashing and burning like NASA’s Cassini when it runs out of gas.  In my junkyard of failed trials you’ll find...

  • 2016-12-12

Source: http://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2016/12/11/13858448/cassini-saturn-rings-nasa Many of us have figured out that NASA is just a public-relations organization to fake-win the space race and grab billions upon billions of tax dollars under the guise of “research”.  Well, now they want to crash land onto Saturn, which only makes sense since the “spacecraft” is running...

  • 2016-12-12

Here is a situation I just came across (boiled down and simplified).  An end user was having to manually find a user id, navigate to an image folder, and then search through hundreds of images to find the one corresponding with that user.  Sure, they were in numerical order, but still,...

  • 2016-08-04

This is perhaps my most commonly used query when troubleshooting. From SQL Server DMV’s in action ebook. The output shows the spid (process identifier), the ecid (this is similar to a thread within the same spid and is useful for identifying queries running in parallel), the database name, the user...

  • 2016-08-04

This is a PowerShell script that puts out the XML required to update your Red Gate MultiScript servers.  Manually entering the SQL instances from within the application can be a daunting task if you have a large number to do.  This script will have you up and running in seconds....

  • 2016-07-14

When using AlwaysOn, you must connect using your listener name, not your node name.  If you connect with the node name, it will only work until there is a failover, which would defeat the purpose of your High Availability setup, right?

  • 2016-05-25