Faith / For Fun · 2018-11-06

Welcome To Hell

This is a photograph of where most Christians think hell is.

This is the legendary valley of Hinnom, more recently called Gehenna.

When Jesus taught us to cut off our hand and pluck out our eye if either causes us to sin, he said it’s better to lose a body part than to be thrown into Gehenna, the place pictured here.

In that time, this was the town dump. Not only was trash put in there to burn, but criminals were cremated there after being executed. So, it was where you would be thrown for your evil actions, where the fire is not quenched.

This is thought to mean that sinning leads to a fiery destiny, in a flame that is not quenched. In reality, this was not His meaning.

But now you can say that you’ve seen hell.

Hinnom Valley or Gehenna

This is the place Jesus used ostensibly to represent hell. But is that really what He meant?