Feng Office – A couple of Security Suggestions
I am the proud new owner of a Feng Office. What the heck if Feng Office, you may be wondering? It’s an amazing collection of modules that organize all of your records, correspondences, emails, documents, and tasks. I won’t get into “what is it” on this post as much as mentioning a few security suggestions if you implement this suite of office tools.
First of all, make sure you are using a secure website. By secure, I mean use HTTPS in your URL. If you don’t then scumbags who are sniffing your packets will be able to read your data. That is bad. Get SSL encryption on it immediately and don’t worry about it being a self-signed certificate. If it’s your own site then you know it can be trusted. The data is just as encrypted, either way.
Secondly, if anyone knows the Feng Office file structure, then they know that they can just add the directory “/upload” to the end of your site name and start hunting for your personal data. Why? Because Feng Office stores your emails in a directory. Well, that’s bad news if you want privacy, so there is a necessary step to protect you.
Go to your Feng Office directory and open up the .htaccess file, add the line:
Options -Indexes
with a line break at the end, so that the file ends on a blank line.
After that, your privacy cannot be compromised.
Any other suggestions? Place them in the comment section.
Please send the steps of email account settings in Feng Office 1.7.5 with Windows XP
I have a ssl cert on my site but cannot figure out how to get Feng Office to use SSL.
Is there something else that needs to be configured to get Feng Office to use SSL?
When I go to their support forums all I get is a blank grey page. . . .
I believe you can go to your config folder and open config.php and update the ROOT_URL like this:
define(‘ROOT_URL’, ‘https:servernamehere.com’)
Thanks – that worked!
Any ideas why the Feng office support forums are down?
or is that just on my end? All I just get is a gray page . . . no text. . . .
For some reason when I change http to https, i can no longer connect to feng office.
I get the error “Could not connect to server”?
Any ideas anyone?
For some reason when I change http to https, i can no longer connect to feng office.
I get the error. “Could not connect to server”
Any ideas anyone?