Note: Sovereign Citizen is an incorrect phrase but was kept to preserve original author\’s title. Correct phrase is “sovereign people”.
Kurt Nimmo
April 2, 2010
Following sensational news stories claiming the Guardians of the free Republics threatened state governors around the country in letters demanding they leave office or be removed, the FBI has today warned police around the country that the letters “could provoke violence,” according to the Associated Press.
Investigators do not consider the letters threatening or see threats of violence in the Guardians of the free Republics message. However, according to the Associated Press, the FBI believes the organization’s call for removal of top state officials in its Restore America Plan may lead others to act out violently.
“While there does not appear to be a credible or immediate threat of violence attached to the letters, we’re working with state and local authorities to continue to assess the matter,” said FBI Special Agent Joseph Dickey of Las Vegas. The letters are from a “sovereign citizen extremist group” and that those groups “reject all forms of government authority,” said Dickey. He said those groups don’t believe they have to pay taxes or obey federal, state or local laws.
“As of Wednesday, more than 30 governors had received letters saying if they don’t leave office within three days they will be removed, according to an internal intelligence note by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security,” the Associated Press reports.
An individual identifying himself as D. Merlin Campbell contacted the Nevada Appeal earlier in the week and denied that the Restore America Plan intends to use violence to accomplish its objectives. According to Mr. Campbell, the letter received by the governor of Nevada and other state officials around the county is actually a Declaration from a lawful Grand Jury of 26 people in each state which is endeavoring to re-establish the true Republic in a peaceful and lawful manner. It does not represent a “threat” from an “extremist” (as is commonly associated with “terrorist” in the media today) group but instead it is a real, legally binding document which is presented by a Grand Jury of regular people which declares that the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, controller and treasurer all must have lawful oaths of office in order operate in their respective positions. The bonds which they all operate under have been effectively seized and noticed to be null and void. The package includes the following; Declaration, Warrants, Orders to the Governors, General orders to the military. It is not a threat, it is a truth that must be complied with or there will be consequences, not of violence, but legal recourse.
A comment posted on the Appeal’s website describes the Guardians of the free Republics plan as “a bold achievable strategy for behind-the-scenes peaceful reconstruction of the de jure institutions of government without controversy, violence or civil war.”
Is it possible the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security will exploit the Restore America Plan in order to stage a false flag event that will be subsequently blamed on the patriot movement?
It is now almost certain the FBI set-up the Hutaree group in Michigan by inserting agents provocateurs who encouraged violence. The corporate media then orchestrated a hysterical campaign designed to insinuate that the Tea Party movement shares the Hutaree’s anti-government philosophy. The sensationalized raid in Michigan followed a week of corporate media propaganda claiming racist Tea Party activists had assaulted Democrats in Washington as they prepared to vote for the Obamacare bill in Congress.
As and others have demonstrated, the accusations had absolutely no basis in fact. The effort was part of a larger campaign designed to portray the patriot movement as extremist and potentially violent. For months now, CNN, MSNBC, and the corporate media at large – taking their talking points from the SPLC and the ADL — have argued that opposition to Obama and the unconstitutional expansion of the federal government represents the ascension of a dangerous white supremacist and militia movement in the United States.
The Department of Homeland Security under the leadership of both Bush and Obama set the stage for the current hysterical campaign with its now notorious report on “rightwing extremism.” Missouri and Virginia contributed to the effort in separate reports characterizing Ron Paul supporters and other patriots as potentially dangerous domestic terrorists.
In addition, it appears the government plans to use anarchists to disrupt Tea Party demonstrations on April 15. Agents provocateurs masquerading as anarchists have disrupted peaceful anti-war and anti-globalist demonstrations in the past (most notably in Ottawa where they were exposed as police infiltrators and rabble-rousers). The pattern is now familiar – anarchists engage in minor property damage and other theatrical acts and this provides riot police with an excuse to brutally attack peaceful demonstrators. It is uncertain if this tactic will work with the Tea Party demonstrations.
It also remains to be seen if an “extremist” group under the control of government agents provocateurs will exploit the Guardians of the free Republics letter in order to engage in violence. A red alert, however, should be issued and members of the patriot movement need to be on the outlook for suspicious activity within their ranks.
It is certain, however, that the government is looking for the right situation in order to crack down on the patriot movement. The establishment is infamous for staging fake terror and criminal events as a pretext to take drastic action against those who oppose their plans.
Finally, Obama publicly named two of his more prominent enemies on CBS today. This is highly unusual. Presidents never mention their foes by name as this has a tendency to lend credence to them. Not even Nixon named his enemies in public. Obama’s comments may mean nothing. On the other hand, he may have issued a warning to those who oppose him. It is interesting to note he mentioned Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, who are in essence shills for the establishment. The breach of etiquette, however, should be taken as a warning to those Obama does not name but are generally associated with the patriot movement and often linked to Beck and Limbaugh, however erroneously, by the corporate media.