Uncategorized · 2010-04-01

The Truth Regarding the Lockdown

The story regarding the group of anarchists at Nevada Appeal was a great sounding news piece… but it was garbage. It is still posted on this site because it\’s interesting and applicable, but according to Tim Turner, the man behind the movement, things are different.

On Tim Turner\’s weekly TalkShoe.com conference call, the following conversation ensued:

Tad (Host):So Tim can you give us an update on the republic? Is there anything you can tell us?
[Banter regarding technical difficulties…]
Tim Turner: Yep, the republic\’s moving forward. The governors have been served. The FBI is out investigating, talking to the jurors and many of the… they talked to the elders, I guess all of them today. They talked to me and they talked to one of the others. Basically they want to make sure we\’re not gonna do anything violent and I told them we don\’t have any intention to do anything violent. We don\’t want violence, and so we had a nice visit actually, with them. They said they had no problem with what we were doing. It was actually lawful. Everything we\’re doing is according to law. They didn\’t have any issues with it. So it\’s kind of important to know that they don\’t have any legal issues with us and that\’s a good thing.

I asked him if they understood the difference between corporate government versus dejure government, they said yes they did and they agreed. They understood they work for the corporation. I said you do realize the corporation is in real trouble? Probably gonna go bankrupt, and probably dissolve. They said, “Well, we do have some concerns, and there are many people who think that might happen.” I said, “Yes, that probably will happen. And what we\’re trying to do is sure up the gap so when that happens we won\’t be in total chaos in America.” They said, “That\’s a good plan.” […]

Tim went on to say that there is a lot of fear mongering going on. Sam Kennedy is a target. Don\’t believe all this stuff. Don\’t let it worry you.

They said that the official release of information is (not this site) released on the conference calls at talkshoe.com.