This is a handy script to show the number of cores and MaxDOP in a single output, along with a built-in script to change the value. The built-in script shows up as a query result so you can copy/paste it. SELECT cpu_count AS [Cores] , (SELECT value_in_use FROM sys.configurations WHERE...
Finding Orphaned Users USE [db] GO EXEC sp_change_users_login ‘Report’ GO Fixing Orphaned Users USE [db] GO EXEC sp_change_users_login ‘auto_fix’, ‘USERNAME’ GO
SELECT COL_TO_CHECK, COUNT(COL_TO_CHECK) FROM TABLE_NAME GROUP BY COL_TO_CHECK HAVING COUNT(COL_TO_CHECK) > 1 If there is more than 1 column with that value it will show up like: COL_TO_CHECK COUNT(COL_TO_CHECK) ————————————————————- Value 3 Value2 2 Value99 4
This is the basic query text to use whenever you need to loop through a result set in SQL Server using TSQL. In this example we are getting every database name and printing it out. /* Declare variable that will hold a single result */ DECLARE @DBName varchar(50) /* Declare...
Do transactions apply in dynamic SQL, in SQL Server? In a word, yes. For proof, run the following chunks of code: No Transactions You can see the third row having a value of “5”, showing that it was updated CREATE TABLE #T( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) ,COL1 VARCHAR(100) ,COL2 VARCHAR(100) );...
—- Allow advanced options to be changed. –EXEC sp_configure ‘show advanced options’, 1 –GO —- Update the cuently configured value for advanced options. –RECONFIGURE –GO —- Enable xp_cmdshell –EXEC sp_configure ‘xp_cmdshell’, 1 –GO —- Update the cuently configured value for xp_cmdshell –RECONFIGURE –GO —- Disallow further advanced options to be...
There is some controversy about using cursors in TSQL. Overall, I believe they tend to tie up resources and are seen as bad. So how do you get around using them? Here’s how.
(If you want to AVOID cursors, see: TSQL – Loop Through Result Set WITHOUT Cursors) This is the basic query text to use whenever you need to loop through a result set in SQL Server using TSQL. In this example we are getting every database name and printing it out.