When you hear of these massive wastes that DOGE is finding, it’s important to boil it down to the individual level. For example, the Biden EPA tossed $20 billion of “gold bars off the Titanic”, according to Lee Zeldin. What does 20 billion wasted dollars mean? Type into a calculator:...
I’ll be up front here: I do not support leftist ideology, democrat ideology, Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris. Those things are an affront to morality and we should fight against them for the poison that they are. With that out of the way, I need to talk about that “fight...
On July 10, 2020 at 11:04 a.m. EDT, The Washington Post published this headline: “Twelve signs Trump would try to run a fascist dictatorship in a second term”. Credit: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/fascist-dictatorship-trump-second-term/2020/07/10/63fdd938-c166-11ea-b4f6-cb39cd8940fb_story.html When Trump is president, The Washington Post creates the “dictator” headline. When Biden is president, The Washington Post is suddenly...
This is the kind of stuff that Twitter doesn’t want getting into the public view. <sarcasm>VERY understandable</sarcasm> Download Link: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ajt0bw_2dAlMj_VWFB6Twm31UHmOMw?e=pEw6aY I know your pain. I know your hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other...
How poetic to see domestic terrorists get beaten with US flags.
Hey there snowflakes, I know you think Trump is going to end the world, but you’re just wrong. Your fear of Trump has led you to riot, beat innocent people, threaten assassination, threaten killing electoral voters, and sing “I will survive” like a pack of wild retards. I understand...
Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/obama-press-conference-the-president-electoral-college-debate/ The allegedly United States born president, Barack Hussein Obama, is not pleased that his little voting soldiers didn’t follow his commands to vote for Hillary Clinton. One of the things he has decided to growl at is the electoral college, which screwed Hillary Clinton out of a win, despite...
Hillary truly won the election. Why? Because Donald Trump is her president, too. That makes her a winner. She was really in a win-win position. If she won the vote, she got to be president. If she lost, Donald Trump would be her president. Sounds like she couldn’t lose.