If you plug in your headphones and nothing happens, and you need to reboot your computer to get your headphones working, this post might be just for you! The problem is with the Realtek service that runs on your computer. No, don’t try to update the driver, like all the...
Fixing the errors in NextCloud maps.
OK, I admit it. I use a trackball mouse. Do you know how much your wrist can hurt if you use a normal mouse for 8+ hours per day?!
This is perhaps my most commonly used query when troubleshooting. From SQL Server DMV’s in action ebook. The output shows the spid (process identifier), the ecid (this is similar to a thread within the same spid and is useful for identifying queries running in parallel), the database name, the user...
An issue arose where a database was giving the error: Could not allocate space for object ‘object-name’ in database ‘dbname’ because the ‘PRIMARY’ filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing...
Today I ran a script to delete a huge portion of data in a DEV environment and I was excited to get back a few hundred GB, but I only got back a portion of the free space that the Properties window said I had. What was going on? It...