Random Awesomeness Un-Google Your Searches Writer #1, 2012-02-27 Depending on your level of purism, devotion to privacy, and reason for hopping off the surveillance grid,… Continue Reading
Random Awesomeness Un-Google Your Browsing (Chrome Alternative) Writer #1, 2012-02-18 This may become a mini-series on my blog – how to UnGoogle your life. Google… Continue Reading
Opinion Un-Google Your Life Writer #1, 2012-02-13 Google has taken over the web in a very respectable way. They achieved it by… Continue Reading
WordPress Not Creating Line Breaks Writer #1, 2012-02-12 This still works but the UPDATE below is better The solution to WordPress not recognizing… Continue Reading
Random Awesomeness Are our brains being boggled by Google? Study says humans now use the internet as our main ‘memory’ – instead of our heads Writer #1, 2012-01-24 The Internet is becoming our main source of memory instead of our own brains, a… Continue Reading
Random Awesomeness How To Disable Farmville Requests on Facebook Writer #1, 2012-01-17 If you’re sick of getting Farmville requests on Facebook, you can disable it. Here’s how:… Continue Reading
My Verizon Not Working After Rooting Phone Writer #1, 2012-01-16 It took me a day but I figured out why my Verizon stopped working after… Continue Reading
Health Radiation doctor says TSA naked body scanners can cause cancer Writer #1, 2012-01-05 (NaturalNews) No matter how many times the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) claims the machines… Continue Reading
Health Why Not Bragg About GMO? Writer #1, 2012-01-05 So the scientific community spent some obscene amount of money to learn how to genetically… Continue Reading