Why Face Masks DON’T Work, According To SCIENCE – powered by ise.media   Just in case that video falls off the internet in the future, I’m also hosting it here: Actual Science Regarding Face Masks – benjf.com

  • 2020-08-15

Minneapolis has really arrived. They voted to replace the police force with a safety patrol. I hope they get a neon orange shoulder strap so the criminals know who the unarmed guys are. The Post continues that the vote to abolish the police force will require amending Minneapolis’s charter, and...

  • 2020-06-26

Just some philosophical food for thought: how does society change when everyone wears a mask? Clearly people are willing to be rude online when their own identity is hidden and the person they are messaging is only a screen name, not a “real person”. Does that carry over to real...

  • 2020-06-02