Yes, Joe Biden has been in politics so long that Johnny Carson even made fun of him.
Oftentimes, I hear this mistake made: Something is 4x greater so someone says it’s 400% more. The numbers do not work like that. 400% more is actually 5x greater.
If you’re hoping to optimize your battery charging on the iPhone and you thought that simply turning on the “Optimized Battery Charging” switch would make that happen, you’re about to be shocked. That’s only the beginning of how you turn it on. And Apple doesn’t tell you that when you...
Some BLM members insisted that they should be allowed into the Police Department Building because they are “taxpayers”. In the end, they got what they asked for, sort of. It looks like they will now receive a full tour of the system their tax dollars helped fund, including the police...
Couple this information with the CDC’s report ( which tell us that only 6% of the deaths were solely from COVID-19, whereas the other 94% were from 2.6 other things (on average) plus COVID-19: Comorbidities Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with...
Let me state my position from the outset: Favoring AD Groups for security in SQL Server over individual AD Logins is a mistake. I don’t care what the “best practice” is. It’s a headache with no discernible advantage.
If we are to imitate God, then knowing how He will treat His enemies is important. Does God show mercy on all, like it says in Romans 11:32, or does He mercilessly torture unbelievers for eternity? Consider Matthew 5:43-48: Love Your Enemies 43 “You have heard that it was said,...
Like a Monty Python scene, the Christian message presented today claims that Jesus gave everything, and yet 90% of humanity will burn in flames for eternity.