
There is a handy and free tool to check your system’s uptime called “Uptime”.  (Clever, no?)  It can be downloaded at http://uptimeexe.codeplex.com. While it is very easy to use (just navigate to it in a command window and type “uptime”), it doesn’t give much of an option for formatting the output to...

  • 2019-10-18

Update here: Script Storage Update Throughout my career, my scripts have been a vital piece of my work. Where I store them has changed over the years. The challenge has been in finding a repository that is reliable, searchable, accessible from where I work, and that looks good with color-coding. Additionally,...

  • 2018-05-02

There is a handy and free tool to check your system's uptime called "Uptime".  (Clever, no?)  It can be downloaded at http://uptimeexe.codeplex.com. While it is very easy to use (just navigate to it in a command window and type "uptime"), it doesn't give much of an option for formatting the output to...

  • 2017-12-16