Handy time-saving PowerShell script to run a batch of scripts easily.
Let me state my position from the outset: Favoring AD Groups for security in SQL Server over individual AD Logins is a mistake. I don’t care what the “best practice” is. It’s a headache with no discernible advantage.
There is a handy and free tool to check your system’s uptime called “Uptime”. (Clever, no?) It can be downloaded at http://uptimeexe.codeplex.com. While it is very easy to use (just navigate to it in a command window and type “uptime”), it doesn’t give much of an option for formatting the output to...
This is an update to a previous post. In another post on this site, it was said that Dropbox Paper is the code storage of choice. This has changed. As of today, I much prefer using Microsoft’s GIT code repository known as: devops.azure.com. The benefits are numerous. Ability to revert...
Update here: Script Storage Update Throughout my career, my scripts have been a vital piece of my work. Where I store them has changed over the years. The challenge has been in finding a repository that is reliable, searchable, accessible from where I work, and that looks good with color-coding. Additionally,...
When your security gets unruly, it can get time consuming to figure out how a user is accessing a SQL instance. Sometimes you may know that a user is getting access via one certain AD group but you aren’t sure if any other groups are granting access. Furthermore, a user...
There is a handy and free tool to check your system's uptime called "Uptime". (Clever, no?) It can be downloaded at http://uptimeexe.codeplex.com. While it is very easy to use (just navigate to it in a command window and type "uptime"), it doesn't give much of an option for formatting the output to...
PowerShell script to quickly change all Recovery Options to “Restart the Service”. https://gist.github.com/benf101/a3c7020c0a582aca06059b750bd08528
Creating and writing to output file in PowerShell.