PHP Argon2 Password Hashing
Password Hashing Overview In the world of web development and password storage, an ongoing debate lingers...
Password Hashing Overview In the world of web development and password storage, an ongoing debate lingers...
This is an update to a previous post. In another post on this site, it was...
Update here: Script Storage Update Throughout my career, my scripts have been a vital piece of...
This short block of PHP code takes a SQL script and removes the “dash-dash” and “/**/”...
Finding a quick PHP function for date difference was painful. Now that I found it, here’s...
Finding a quick PHP function for date difference was painful. Now that I found it, here’s...
This short block of PHP code takes a SQL script and removes the “dash-dash” and “/**/”...
Ideally, when setting up a data-driven PHP site, you should have your configuration and database connection...
Occasionally, you discover something that you have been doing wrong for a long time. Sometimes it...
Goal: Reduce long string to specified length for end-user preview. Reveal entire string when clicked. Go...