When trying to toggle an element on a page using jQuery, you might have the toggle happen multiple times. In other words, you click the event listening element (such as a link) and the element you want to toggle expands and collapses, then once more expands and collapses. Obviously, this...
EDIT: I had two scenarios like this. The one written about here worked. The other one failed. The actual solution came from sql-ution.com. The solution is to fix the registry with the new value. And just in case his website comes offline before mine does, I'll post the code: Since...
Update here: Script Storage Update Throughout my career, my scripts have been a vital piece of my work. Where I store them has changed over the years. The challenge has been in finding a repository that is reliable, searchable, accessible from where I work, and that looks good with color-coding. Additionally,...
The trusty "sp_who2" is a quick way to look at what’s happening on your SQL instance, but completely lacks the ability to filter using a WHERE clause. You may have to manually sift through hundreds of results to find what you need. Never fear. This quick script gives you the...
When your security gets unruly, it can get time consuming to figure out how a user is accessing a SQL instance. Sometimes you may know that a user is getting access via one certain AD group but you aren’t sure if any other groups are granting access. Furthermore, a user...
After setting up MySQL, I realized that I put my data files on the C drive. Since I don't want database growth to end up taking down the entire OS, I had to move them. My struggles consumed a couple of hours, so I wanted to clear up and document the...
There is a handy and free tool to check your system's uptime called "Uptime". (Clever, no?) It can be downloaded at http://uptimeexe.codeplex.com. While it is very easy to use (just navigate to it in a command window and type "uptime"), it doesn't give much of an option for formatting the output to...
SSMS Boost is an add-on for SQL Server Management Studio. I used it for quite some time but I got tired of using it as freeware. The reason SSMSBoost as freeware didn't work for me was because they require that you continually re-download the new version and re-register every 120 days,...
So what happens when you run a query to check TempDB file sizes and SQL tells you that each file is 101 MB, but when you look in the file system, they’re actually a 45 GB each? Also, when you try to shrink the file, the shrink file dialog window...