Update here: Script Storage Update Throughout my career, my scripts have been a vital piece of my work. Where I store them has changed over the years. The challenge has been in finding a repository that is reliable, searchable, accessible from where I work, and that looks good with color-coding. Additionally,...

  • 2018-05-02

Occasionally, you discover something that you have been doing wrong for a long time.  Sometimes it wasn’t something outright wrong but was just stupid.  That is what happened to me. When using an HTML checkbox, it “POSTS” to the form submit page with the value of “on”.  I have always...

  • 2011-05-16

Goal: Reduce long string to specified length for end-user preview.  Reveal entire string when clicked.  Go back to preview when clicked again. Check out the php and jQuery code: YHTSZWNS7R6V

  • 2011-05-14
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