Password Hashing Overview In the world of web development and password storage, an ongoing debate lingers on, and probably will forever. The currently accepted “best practice” for hashing passwords is called Argon2 (wikipedia link to argon2). To give a brief overview of what it is, it takes any string (like...
Handy time-saving PowerShell script to run a batch of scripts easily.
Let me state my position from the outset: Favoring AD Groups for security in SQL Server over individual AD Logins is a mistake. I don’t care what the “best practice” is. It’s a headache with no discernible advantage.
What’s better than dropping your temp tables at the end of every script? Checking for their existence at the beginning of the script and dropping them.
As I was attempting to update my email address in a WordPress blog, it was stuck. A notification said: There is a pending change of the admin email to
There is a handy and free tool to check your system’s uptime called “Uptime”. (Clever, no?) It can be downloaded at While it is very easy to use (just navigate to it in a command window and type “uptime”), it doesn’t give much of an option for formatting the output to...
This is an update to a previous post. In another post on this site, it was said that Dropbox Paper is the code storage of choice. This has changed. As of today, I much prefer using Microsoft’s GIT code repository known as: The benefits are numerous. Ability to revert...
In JavaScript, dates are based on the UTC time, the starting timezone which all others are based on. You may have a date in JavaScript that should be one particular date but for some reason changes itself to the previous day. The way to fix it is to add the...
There is a great way to mark sections of your code with a highly visible indicator that requires less effort to identify. It’s preference, for sure. I would imagine that certain people might find this a gaudy way to comment their code, while others would appreciate the practicality of it...