Random Awesomeness Un-Google Your Browsing (Chrome Alternative) Writer #1, 2012-02-18 This may become a mini-series on my blog – how to UnGoogle your life. Google… Continue Reading
Opinion Un-Google Your Life Writer #1, 2012-02-13 Google has taken over the web in a very respectable way. They achieved it by… Continue Reading
Random Awesomeness Are our brains being boggled by Google? Study says humans now use the internet as our main ‘memory’ – instead of our heads Writer #1, 2012-01-24 The Internet is becoming our main source of memory instead of our own brains, a… Continue Reading
Random Awesomeness How To Disable Farmville Requests on Facebook Writer #1, 2012-01-17 If you’re sick of getting Farmville requests on Facebook, you can disable it. Here’s how:… Continue Reading
Health Radiation doctor says TSA naked body scanners can cause cancer Writer #1, 2012-01-05 (NaturalNews) No matter how many times the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) claims the machines… Continue Reading
Health Why Not Bragg About GMO? Writer #1, 2012-01-05 So the scientific community spent some obscene amount of money to learn how to genetically… Continue Reading
For Fun WordPress for droid Writer #1, 2011-12-24 If it’s not painfully obvious, I use wordpress as my blog backend. Sure I can… Continue Reading
Opinion Fire Alarm Theory Writer #1, 2011-11-23 Yes, I have an opinion on fire alarms. When I was a relatively new employee… Continue Reading
For Fun Best Background Music and Audio Writer #1, 2011-11-08 If you’re like me, background noise makes concentration almost impossible for you. It’s like the… Continue Reading
For Fun Don’t Shoot the Messenger… Or Kill, Entrap, or Catch Writer #1, 2011-09-09 There is a law on the books specifically making it illegal to kill the messenger…. Continue Reading