
Since the cost of everything is compared to a cup of coffee, I introduce to you the newest crypto coin: Cup Of Coffee Coin (COCC). It’s similar to the “forever stamp” by the US Post Office in that as the price of coffee rises, one COCC will always buy one...

  • 2024-08-04

I’ll be up front here: I do not support leftist ideology, democrat ideology, Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris. Those things are an affront to morality and we should fight against them for the poison that they are. With that out of the way, I need to talk about that “fight...

  • 2024-07-31

I’m not convinced that Harris will be the nominee yet, but she might have to be since they don’t want to look racist or sexist. She’s the DEI hire and now they have to stand by their decision or else appear to be the same as their declared enemy. Assuming...

  • 2024-07-24

To anyone who believes in evolution and aliens, why do you assume that UFO’s must be “outer space beings” or “interplanetary travelers”? You already believe that humans arose spontaneously from the ingredients found on earth so why wouldn’t you also think that other beings found on earth also are from...

  • 2024-07-21

The battle is not Jesus vs the Father. Nor is it Jesus vs Jesus. Believing in a permanent, ongoing, inescapable torture chamber created by God from which God is trying to save us pits Him against Himself. It makes no sense. The Bible teaches just as all die in Adam,...

  • 2024-07-08