If we are to imitate God, then knowing how He will treat His enemies is important. Does God show mercy on all, like it says in Romans 11:32, or does He mercilessly torture unbelievers for eternity? Consider Matthew 5:43-48: Love Your Enemies 43 “You have heard that it was said,...
Like a Monty Python scene, the Christian message presented today claims that Jesus gave everything, and yet 90% of humanity will burn in flames for eternity.
God is all powerful and all loving, gives His best try, and then…
They rejected Jesus and killed Him. While they were killing Him, He said “Father forgive them. They know not what they do.” It is commonly said that people only go to hell for rejecting Jesus. And yet, it sounds to me like Jesus handles rejection pretty well. He is not...
An underlying part of who we all are is our beliefs in spiritual things. The physical world is like God’s GUI, but the spirit realm is like the back-end business logic. It actually determines what happens on the world’s stage. Our view on this will dictate how we present ourselves...