Just Info
My Logitech mouse has caused some frustration recently so I have gone with another brand. What brand did I choose? Stay tuned. <LAME INTRO> Hi guys, welcome back to the same web page you were already on when this blog post started but I made you wait for no particular...
When using VSCode for markdown editing, you can have your attachments separated into their own folder like this: Go to your settings under “Markdown > Copy Files: Destination” and click “Add Item”. Under “Item” enter **/* and under “Value” enter assets/ FYI: I’m using the extension called: Markdown All in...
Are you tired of being FORCED to type when you want to paste? That’s right, I’m talking about those dreaded text input fields that won’t let you paste what you have in your clipboard. It’s often something that you need to paste because it needs to be 100% accurate but it’s a...
Your debit card number is given out frequently if you regularly shop online. Every time you type it into a website you are trusting that they will handle your information properly and yet you have no way to know that they are doing so. Sooner or later, everyone seems to...
All the politicians do now is self-referential, referring to their lawmaking body. Their entire platform is about themselves. It’s about getting their political opponents and making the people (citizens) afraid of their political opponents. There’s not much talk about any actual issues the country faces. They are narcissists. It’s all...
I’m calling this the “Countdown To Sleep Method”, that way we can refer to it as CTSM, because all established methods have their own acronym. CTSM has worked like magic for me. When you are laying in bed and cannot fall asleep, count down (silently in your head) from 100...
What is the deal with always saying “for the price of a cup of coffee”? It’s really tainting my view of the price of coffee. I mean, every time I have to buy a cup of coffee now I’m thinking “this costs as much as supporting that guy’s podcast and...