To anyone who believes in evolution and aliens, why do you assume that UFO’s must be “outer space beings” or “interplanetary travelers”? You already believe that humans arose spontaneously from the ingredients found on earth so why wouldn’t you also think that other beings found on earth also are from...
Writer #1
The battle is not Jesus vs the Father. Nor is it Jesus vs Jesus. Believing in a permanent, ongoing, inescapable torture chamber created by God from which God is trying to save us pits Him against Himself. It makes no sense. The Bible teaches just as all die in Adam,...
All the politicians do now is self-referential, referring to their lawmaking body. Their entire platform is about themselves. It’s about getting their political opponents and making the people (citizens) afraid of their political opponents. There’s not much talk about any actual issues the country faces. They are narcissists. It’s all...
People will say “that tells you everything you need to know about x“, as a way of handily dismissing anything that they are against. Sure, it could be used as a positive too, but it seems to always be used negatively. When someone uses that line, what they are saying...
Joe Biden said categorically that he would not pardon Hunter of his convictions. While I don’t believe very much that he says, I think he does spill some truths here and there. This time, I think he was sincere when he said he would not pardon Hunter. Most likely because...
Why do people have such a hard time admitting when the politicians they voted for are sucking? Seriously people, let Joe Biden go. He’s a screw up. The democrats in general offer you nothing but name calling and pronouns. They have done nothing positive for this country. Admit it. Any...
I’m calling this the “Countdown To Sleep Method”, that way we can refer to it as CTSM, because all established methods have their own acronym. CTSM has worked like magic for me. When you are laying in bed and cannot fall asleep, count down (silently in your head) from 100...