Ideally, when setting up a data-driven PHP site, you should have your configuration and database connection code separate from your code that generates content. What I want to display is a simple way to keep things separate and simple to work with. I use a config/index/data file structure. There are...
Writer #1
While most people believe that only whackos and kooks believe in weather control, those who have done their homework on the subject know otherwise. Not only is it provable that the technology exists, but you can prove that everyone in congress and the senate already know about it. In...
Within a Stored Procedure, you may want the results of a particular query emailed to you, but only if there is a result. In other words, I don’t want to be notified when the result set size is 0.
Background: CBS News Law enforcement groups have discovered another way to make their lives easier at the expense of your privacy. Now all that they have to do is get enough congressmen (who accept cash and checks, by the way) to agree with them and the deal is done.
This trick is for SSMS users who like the MDI (window) environment. If you’ve noticed that new windows open with the instance connection hidden, then read on. I have your fix! Just open a query window, minimize it, and leave it there. After that, new windows will open at the...
Guessing games can be fun, but when I’m reading your email or forum post I don’t want to feel like I’m playing Charades. Furthermore, I don’t want to do a once-over on your writing to get context and then figure out where you should have placed periods and commas. If...
Thanks to Pandora, I have recently discovered a new background music option. The “band” is called RJD2.
Currently, I’m getting my bearings with treating high Reverse T3 (RT3) and I’ve come across some interesting information in this thing in my house called a “book”. The book is called “Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”, by Rodger H. Murphree. RT3 is the expected result of the normal...
The critics are scrambling but have no rebuttal. This pretty much settles the score. The Bible is the Word of GOD.