Having trouble getting your techless friends on board with PGP/GPG encrypting emails to you? You’re not alone. That’s why I have created a nifty solution, just for you. And everyone else like you. Cryptana.com is where you go to get signed up. With this site, your public PGP/GPG encryption key is...
Writer #1
This is sort of an open letter to Marc Stevens and sort of my own musings on the current forced legal system. By “forced”, I mean that it’s forced upon you, like it or not. I disagree wholeheartedly with a great majority of the pieces of the forced legal system...
This short block of PHP code takes a SQL script and removes the “dash-dash” and “/**/” comments from it. Of course, many languages, including PHP itself, use the “/**/” comment style so this could apply to PHP scripts, as well.
(If you want to AVOID cursors, see: TSQL – Loop Through Result Set WITHOUT Cursors) This is the basic query text to use whenever you need to loop through a result set in SQL Server using TSQL. In this example we are getting every database name and printing it out.
There is a feature that is not available for Gmail that should be, but I have the workaround. What feature is missing? The one that lets you separate your email based on whether the sender is in your contact list or not.
MIUI (mee-you-eye) is a ROM that is available on the Android platform. If you’re bored with your stock look-and-feel of your Android piece, or tired of the quirks in your current ROM, you should have a look at MIUI.
Sometimes, as a DBA, you will have to copy a database role to another instance, such as when you have to move something from development to testing or production. Recently, I discovered that using the SSMS “script as” option doesn’t help very much at all. It simply generates a statement...
In honor of December 21, 2012, I have extracted this from an old post on benjf.com. Please enjoy my “best practices” for predicting the end of the world. See you on December 22. New Doomsday Prediction Rules I would like to lay out some rules for predicting the end of...
Upon trying to create a trace template in SQL Server Profiler, I was able to name the trace but there were no events to choose from in the “Events Selection” tab, even when the “Show All Events” box was checked. If I clicked the “Column Filters” button the entire Profiler...
Source of info: http://www.mattbutton.com/2011/06/01/sql-profiler-templates-missing/ Upon trying to create a trace template in SQL Server Profiler, I was able to name the trace but there were no events to choose from in the “Events Selection” tab, even when the “Show All Events” box was checked. If I clicked the “Column Filters” button...