Did you receive this phone call too? I got a voice mail from (480)449-4224. All I had to do to change my life was to go to FinallyFoundABetterWay.com. I figured it would be entertaining for my lunch break, so I tried it. If you want to the quick low-down, don’t...
Writer #1
Do transactions apply in dynamic SQL, in SQL Server? In a word, yes. For proof, run the following chunks of code:
Electronic “government”* spying has been occurring for decades. Recently, it has become a hot-topic because of Edward Snowden’s whistle-blowing. The news of this, however, is not a new thing. There has been warrantless wiretapping, NSA spying, and all sorts of communications databasing happening since W. Bush was the ostensible “leader”...
Occasionally, while “surfing the web”, I get this annoying error message. It comes up for Facebook, Google, and today, Vimeo. The error message looks something like this: Invalid URL The requested URL “/video/67664300”, is invalid. Reference #9.8cc21508.1251069229.0 There is no obvious reason or fix for this that I found, until...
Finding a quick PHP function for date difference was painful. Now that I found it, here’s the quick easy way. This site was a great help: http://www.phpf1.com/tutorial/php-date-difference.html
Finding a quick PHP function for date difference was painful. Now that I found it, here’s the quick easy way. This site was a great help: http://www.phpf1.com/tutorial/php-date-difference.html
How do we expect government actions to be any less than despicable? They are formed out of violence, supported on stolen funds, kept in power under threat of prison or murder, grant themselves exceptions to moral rules, interpret their own rules of restraint, and fill their offices using lie-filled propaganda,...
In an effort to get myself out of cloud storage and retain my privacy, I have decided to move my digital life back onto a flash drive. My problem is that I don’t want to pay for it. My goal? Get a nice flash drive without touching my everyday budget.
There is some controversy about using cursors in TSQL. Overall, I believe they tend to tie up resources and are seen as bad. So how do you get around using them? Here’s how.
This is a new venture for me. Although this won’t be a very in depth of all the possibilities of Gmail scripting, it will give a quick example of what’s possible.