This short block of PHP code takes a SQL script and removes the “dash-dash” and “/**/” comments from it. Of course, many languages, including PHP itself, use the “/**/” comment style so this could apply to PHP scripts, as well. The line that removes the dash-dash style comments could easily...
Writer #1
Having to sift through a large directory to get the latest file can be tedious. Surprisingly, I’ve needed this twice in the past month, so I figured I should post it. I hope this helps someone.
I couldn’t help but notice the stunning similarity between Google’s new maps logo and the Free Mason’s logo. It doesn’t take too much imagination to see this one.
One man walks by faith and another walks by sight. The first man is spiritual and the second is scientific. Both are walking in a legitimate way; neither is wrong. One, however, is creating and changing his world while the other is reacting and being changed by his world.
This is a great lecture given by Dr Joe Dispenza where he talks about how our brains function and how to actually impact your environment. It falls in line with “The Science of Getting Rich”, as I have linked on this very blog.
Sometimes there is a fine line between two actions. One action can be acceptable while a very similar but barely different action is socially unacceptable.
How can a month of music cost more than a month of HD video? Netflix: $7.99/mo for unlimited high-definition streaming of movies and TV shows totaling hundreds of hours and hundreds of GB per month for a single user. Spotify: $9.99/mo for unlimited streaming music totaling a few GB per...
Attention retailers: iphones are not the only type of cell phone on the market. Stock accessories for other phones, too. Thank you.
Well isn’t this an interesting take on things? Story Musgrave (that’s the guy’s name) says that the 1986 NASA disaster was due to criminal negligence. What was neglected? Icicles. The Challenger blew up because of icicles. This reminds me of the brain teaser where you ask someone how to start...
Sometimes people don’t choose the most appropriate photos on their websites. My insurance provider offers some HSA incentives, one of which is to track your weight. God-forbid they forgo the over-sized goofy picture that loosely pertains to the topic at hand, but I digress. So, for helping you to stay...