Writer #1

Getting all SQL Server services running on a server using PowerShell: Get-WmiObject -Class sqlservice -Namespace “ROOT\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement11” | Select ServiceName Additionally, this can be set to an array and worked with as such. $services = Get-WmiObject -Class sqlservice -Namespace “ROOT\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement11” | Select ServiceName foreach($service in $services) { $service.ServiceName } $services[0].ServiceName >>...

  • 2016-03-23

One common question I hear whenever something begins to go wrong is, “Has anything been changed recently?” Finding recent changes can be a good place to search, depending on the issue, so here is a script to do just that. /* – Relatively light weight – runs in a couple...

  • 2016-03-20

Although moving database files around is simple, it is a still big deal.  When you do this, you are moving the entire database contents to another location.  If you have the space, a backup beforehand wouldn’t be a bad idea.  This is the script that I use to make this...

  • 2016-03-19

If you need to compare two users in SQL Server, here is a handy script. The output is simply a script to make the “UserToChange” sync up with the “ModelUser”. So this script generates a script.

  • 2016-03-19

For those of us not lucky enough to live in Arizona (where daylight savings is ignored and clocks stay the same all year-round), we need to consider what time our SQL jobs are run. What happens with jobs that are scheduled for 2:30am when we spring the clocks ahead? They...

  • 2016-03-19

I almost found a bug… but it’s a feature after all. If you are scripting out a Partition Scheme in SSMS, you might notice that your script defaults to the PRIMARY filegroup. For the reason why, go here: http://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/641893/management-studio-incorrect-scripting-of-parition-scheme. To fix it, go into SSMS Tools, Options, SQL Server Object...

  • 2016-03-19