Writer #1

When do we stop referring to dead people as “the late”? We don’t say “the late Thomas Jefferson”, or “the late Galileo”, or “the late Adam and Eve”. There must be a cut off point.

  • 2019-04-26

Let’s just try this on for size. Bernie Sanders is concerned about voting rights of convicted felons, terrorists, etc. What if you replace his stance of voting rights with another right enumerated and secured by the US Constitution?

  • 2019-04-26

When President Trump broke the tension between North Korea and the rest of the world, it was front page news. Even still, it’s not popular to give President Trump credit for such an accomplishment, or anything positive, for that matter. Here is how the Arizona Republic newspaper showed the world:

  • 2019-01-01

Evolution is woven into everything now. My view of evolution is this: The theory of evolution is ridiculous and has no proof, whatsoever, but it also has no disproof, whatsoever. That’s because we’re dealing with something from ancient history, which is not knowable. While many observations can be said to be a...

  • 2019-01-01
  • 1

Yes, it is possible to create massive amounts of tags in Evernote rather quickly. You will just need a text editor. First of all, don’t bother trying to use the standard plus-sign on the Evernote left pane. It won’t help you do anything except add one at a time, and...

  • 2018-12-25

An email came through that looked somewhat official but had a few “tells” to show that it was fake.

  • 2018-12-10

There is a great way to mark sections of your code with a highly visible indicator that requires less effort to identify. It’s preference, for sure. I would imagine that certain people might find this a gaudy way to comment their code, while others would appreciate the practicality of it...

  • 2018-12-04

What are the Bible’s final words? How interesting it is that the Bible ends with the word “all” (excluding the word “amen”). The grace of Jesus be with ALL. Not some, not “the few who find it”, but ALL.

  • 2018-11-21

When trying to toggle an element on a page using jQuery, you might have the toggle happen multiple times. In other words, you click the event listening element (such as a link) and the element you want to toggle expands and collapses, then once more expands and collapses. Obviously, this...

  • 2018-11-13