Writer #1

Is it just me or is “cutting out the middleman” code for “we’re going to charge you more money”?

  • 2019-05-02

Watch this guy POP this woman almost knocking her down. The other woman pulls a gun and defends herself and the woman who was already punched. Now, how would this have ended if they were unarmed? How would this have ended if her gun was “safely” locked up with a...

  • 2019-05-01

Over time, I have seen my opinion change quite a bit. It seems that as we come into new knowledge we must update our views on things. There should be no shame in doing so. In fact, a mature adult who holds his opinions from his younger and less experienced years...

  • 2019-04-30

Of all the conspiracy theories, the Mandela Effect is probably the wildest. For those who don’t know, the Mandela Effect theory states that pieces of history are being changed, usually in subtle ways, so that [the new] reality doesn’t fully align with how everyone remembers reality. Some of the proofs...

  • 2019-04-29

Finding that perfect night’s sleep is vital to happiness and health. Perhaps you can get away with one night of bad sleep, but when it’s chronic it can rip down your health and sanity, piece by piece. Over time, you begin to think that you have other independent health problems,...

  • 2019-04-28

Recently, I have discovered that my faith in God was perhaps blasphemous, accusing God of having an eternal temper tantrum and having very little mercy for those overcome by the enemy, who He created and allowed into His Earth. I truly believed that God only had a plan for those...

  • 2019-04-27