Writer #1

I don’t put a lot of “newsy” items on this blog because I could never keep up with it all, but I like to include stuff like this because it’s just solid info that isn’t so time sensitive. This is the truth: the media slices up Trump’s words to put...

  • 2024-09-06

Novelity: the degree of novelty something has. Novelness: how much novelty something has. Examples: His new idea has high novelity. His new idea has a lot of novelness.  

  • 2024-08-26

Password Hashing Overview In the world of web development and password storage, an ongoing debate lingers on, and probably will forever. The currently accepted “best practice” for hashing passwords is called Argon2 (wikipedia link to argon2). To give a brief overview of what it is, it takes any string (like...

  • 2024-08-18

Your debit card number is given out frequently if you regularly shop online. Every time you type it into a website you are trusting that they will handle your information properly and yet you have no way to know that they are doing so. Sooner or later, everyone seems to...

  • 2024-08-14

As mentioned in my other post Date/Time Formatting Can Unite The World, dates and times should be formatted in a very specific way. They are either ordered from general to specific, or you just have a jumbled mess. Sorry, Europe, but your dd-mm-yyyy is ridiculous and completely reversed. When you give...

  • 2024-08-11

In AutoHotKey, if you have some typing shortcuts, it can be helpful to know which window you’ll be typing in to. For example, if I’m on my OneNote app, I might have one series of key presses but if I’m in AmpleNote it will be another series of key presses....

  • 2024-08-09