Natural Pest Remedies
(This page shall serve as an ongoing journal of my pest remedy findings.)
Lately, I’ve been on the lookout for natural pest remedies. By “pest”, I’m referring to bugs, bees, roaches, and raccoon type animals. Just to be clear, I think bees are one of the best insects on the planet, but when they borough into the hill in my backyard only to sting me eight times when I’m cutting the lawn, they are in pest mode. It is then that they must die.
I had the honor of finding a few roaches in my kitchen. I tried a blend of baking soda and sugar because that is supposed to make them get gas and die. Shortly thereafter I saw another roach. So I stepped it up to Borax and sugar. That has been out for a few weeks now and I haven’t seen a roach since. As of now, I recommend Borax and sugar to kill roaches.
We had a small raccoon in our backyard that looked like a cub (baby raccoon) but no mom was around. We couldn’t scare it off so instantly I thought “rabies”. I kept reappearing for a few days. Just to test out its fear of water (because rabies is also called hydrophobia) I sprayed water toward it. It ran away. Rabid? Maybe. This thing was remedied by a car driving by. I found it dead in the road the next morning so my kids are safe.