WordPress’ Secret Admin Panel Writer #1, 2019-10-19 As I was attempting to update my email address in a WordPress blog, it was stuck. A notification said: There is a pending change of the admin email to xoxoxo@xoxoxo.com But that was it. It would never go through. It turns out that you can change it with the WordPress secret admin page. Go to https://your-wp-domain.com/wp-admin/options.php. Every option will be listed out with an editable field. At the bottom is a save button. For some reason, that approach saved my new email address. Update 2019/10/22: It turned out that my problem was changing my email address for the user account. For some reason, it did not like the domain that I was using. Upon trying a different email address, it sent a confirmation and updated the email address. So, while I can say that the options.php page did update the email address in one place, it did not update my user account email address. Source: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/there-is-a-pending-change-of-the-admin-email-to/ WordPress