AutoHotKey Tips

I am in love with AutoHotKey, in a “man to computer application” sort of way. I use it all the time, perhaps several times per hour while I am on my computer, which is a majority of a typical day.
What is AutoHotKey? It’s a customizable Hot Key automation scripting application, I guess you might say.
Let’s say I want to type the date. Well, all I need to do it press the CTRL
key and the ;
key together, and voila! It spits out: 2024-03-09
What about date and time? I just press ALT
and ;
and it spits out: 2024-03-09 AM0746
. (Why have “AM” before the time? Check here: .)
If I type yw
followed by a space or period or exclamation point or enter, it converts it to you're welcome
plus whatever punctuation or next keystroke I used after it. This saves a ton of effort at work when people always end a conversation with “thanks!”. I just type yw and press enter and it converts it for me.
How about emojis? I type :)
and it changes it to 😊. The list goes on and on.
So, if you use AutoHotKey, here are some of my shortcuts that you can implement:
Automatically Reload AutoHotKey
This is useful after you make a change to your AutoHotKey script. Rather than moving the mouse to the taskbar, hovering over the AutoHotKey icon, right clicking, and selecting “Reload This Script”, just press CTRL + ALT + r
; Reload this script with Ctrl+Alt+R
Replace XD
with 😆
; REPLACE XD with laugh face
; (Smiling Face With Open Mouth And Tightly-Closed Eyes)
SendInput {U+1F606}
Replace :)
with 😊
; REPLACE :) with smiley face
SendInput {U+1F60A}
Replace :|
with 😐
; REPLACE :| with straight face
SendInput {U+1F610}
Date Only
; Date Only
; Ctrl+;
FormatTime, TimeString, R, yyyy-MM-dd
space := " "
SendInput, %TimeString%%space%
Date Time Stamp
; DTS - No Spaces, No Symbols
; ALT + ;
;FormatTime, TimeString, R, yyyyMMddHHmmss
FormatTime, TimeString, R, yyyy-MM-dd tthhmm
space := " "
linebreak := "`+`r"
SendInput, %TimeString%%space%
Time Only
; Time Only
; Ctrl + Shift + ;
FormatTime, TimeString, R, tt:hh:mm:ss
space := " "
SendInput, %TimeString%%space%
Media Controls
; Volume Up
; Alt + = OR Alt + plus on number pad
;SoundSet, +1
SendInput {Volume_Up 1}
; Volume Down
; Alt + - OR Alt + minus on number pad
;SoundSet, -1
SendInput {Volume_Down 1}
; Volume MUTE
; Alt + m
SendInput {Volume_Mute} ;
; Media Play Pause
; Alt + p
SendInput {Media_Play_Pause} ;
; Media Play Next
; Alt + .
SendInput {Media_Next} ;
; Media Play Next
; Alt + ,
SendInput {Media_Prev} ;
Abbreviations Expanded
::::atm::at the moment
::btw::by the way
::rn::right now
::wo::waiting on
::FU::follow up
::idk::I don't know
::imo::in my opinion
::ty::thank you
::yw::you're welcome
Also, you can get a massive list of auto-correct words here: