A while back, I made a post about how they use evolution as the catch-all explanation for everything: https://benjf.com/2019/01/evolution-the-catch-all-explanation/
It’s frustrating to constantly see amazing design features attributed to random chance. We have so many intricate features in our bodies that all function together for a single purpose, and so many systems that mesh with other systems, that they are screaming “DESIGN!”, and somehow people have been convinced that these marvels sprung up after enough mish-mashing of random possibilities.
The latest one is this video, where honestly I learned something, but they guy credits an “evolutionary ex-aptation”, where an existing trait is co-opted to do something it wasn’t originally used for. (3:45 in the video)
How would this feature create itself? How would it arrive on the scene as a fully functional feature? There are muscles that need to form with operational limits, then nerves that need to form, and then corresponding functions of the brain that need to utilize those systems and process the incoming data interpreting it and delivering to the end-user the perception of depth.
GOD: I did that. You’re welcome.
MAN: Evolution is awesome! Thank you randomness!
GOD: What?