“The Last Card” – Alien Hoax Incoming Writer #1, 2023-07-282023-08-06 I believe this whistleblower, Carol Rosin, more than the current guy who swears he knows a guy who knows a guy who heard about “non-human biologics” on some downed aircraft that they claim exists. Carol Rosin, who worked with Wernher von Braun, has been warning us for decades that they want to create space-based weapons systems, and are therefore going to use multiple claims to justify them. Those justifications include: ✅ Russians ✅ Terrorists ✅ Third world county “crazies” ✅ Asteroids ☑️ Aliens / extra-terrestrials (The last card) Some more info here: https://www.thetanster.com/blog/2021/6/2/ixhffa9gtq4uxox7e1udvvoze4sznz Faith Opinion Politics aliensasteroidscarol rosinrussiansterrorists