Can a law be said to interfere with someone’s right to pursue happiness? Taxes, for example; income tax and property tax. Those taxes put me in a position to never own my labor or property. They are fundamentally oppressive. They assume that I am a slave, owning only the portion of my labor that they say I am allowed to own, taking for themselves by force what they say they deserve, and leaving me with the remainder. I have no doubt that they would take 100% if it would benefit them, but they must leave me with enough to be motivated to continue working, so they throttle it. But just the fact that I must answer to them for all work I do indicates that they are my master. If I refuse, and they notice, I can be put in prison. If that’s not a slave, I don’t know what is.
The house in which I live requires continual payments, twice per year, to the local county, or else they will make me homeless. They will foreclose on my house, selling off the property for whatever they can get for it, and obligating me to pay for any amounts not covered by the sale. Even though I am called a “homeowner”, it cannot be said that I truly “own my house”. I don’t. As soon as I stop the tax payments, we find out who the actual owner is, and they swoop in to remove me from their asset, throwing me out into the harsh elements of the world, be it intense heat, freezing cold, or severe storms, because they did not receive the payment they demanded for the property called “mine” but which is ultimately not mine, as I don’t have the final say over it.
This is enslavement. My labor is theirs and my house is theirs. If I fight back, no legal or logical argument will protect me. The judges have a conflict of interest as they are paid by the tax money I am arguing to keep. Why would they find any reason to say I’m right? They talk about social contracts and crap like that, which I never signed and only exist in theory by people who wish to shame me into staying enslaved into their system which benefits them with money and power.
They say things like “paying your fair share” and “social contract”. How would they calculate “my fair share”? I say my fair share is $0 because there’s no logical reason why a so-called majority of people can gather together and decide to make me liable to pay a fee.