Opinion / Technology · 2022-09-02

Artificial Intelligence (ai) is a premeditated alibi for mass murder.

Artificial intelligence is totally fake. A computer cannot do anything except what it was programmed to do. Sure, there are variables in code, and different actions can be taken based on values of variables, but it cannot have a mind of its own. If a computer system “runs off” and blows up a building, or commandeers a jet and crashes it into the ground, then you can be assured that the code to do those actions was written into the program.

I believe that a.i. is going to be used to feign an out-of-control scenario that will lead to mass casualties that will be blamed on some a.i. gone wrong; something we just couldn’t see coming and couldn’t stop once it began.

“That gosh darn a.i.”, they’ll say, “got the better of us and killed untold millions”, or maybe worse. But we’ll study our mistakes and have a “lessons learned” moral that will be shoved down the throats of the people.

Don’t you dare say it’s staged or intentional. Don’t say it was an inside job. How dare you? I know someone who died in it and they’re really dead.

You know… like all the hoaxes go.