Evolution, The Catch-All Explanation

Evolution is woven into everything now. My view of evolution is this: The theory of evolution is ridiculous and has no proof, whatsoever, but it also has no disproof, whatsoever. That’s because we’re dealing with something from ancient history, which is not knowable. While many observations can be said to be a part of evolution, that is mainly because the theory of evolution is reverse engineered to account for everything we observe. If we notice something, we credit randomness, cram it into the half-baked theory of evolution, and call it science. That is then taught to upcoming generations while they are young, who then include it into their world view and use it to explain things they see.

As my biology teacher told me in college when I stumped him with a question, he said, “I don’t know, but that’s the great thing about evolution: we already know it’s true, so even if we don’t have the answers we can just accept it and figure it out.” (Something like that) In other words, we are bypassing the stage of science where we attempt to disprove the hypothesis and we are taking it on faith and will use it to interpret our entire world.

And boy, that is what they have done.

Here are some examples of things that I find where evolution is assumed and used to explain some phenomenon.

Natural Pesticides

Nicotine is the tobacco plant’s evolutionary defense mechanism, which makes insects sick when they eat the plant, thus saving the plant from being eaten.


Just because something is a certain way and that way has observable effects, does not mean that there was any intention on the part of the plant or any other mindless force to make it that way. Sure, nicotine is a natural pesticide, but nobody can scientifically conclude that it “evolved” that way as protection against insects. I noticed that insects don’t eat rocks but I don’t attribute a rock’s hardness to self-protection against insects. Sometimes things are just a certain way and evolutionists try to force the pieces into their puzzle. One could just as easily argue that God made it that way and it is evidence that God created the world. Surely, they would reject that way of thinking, so why do they accept as science something equally as unprovable?


“Despite what you might imagine, the fight-or-flight response can be healthy,” explains Yip. After all, our ancestors needed it for survival when faced with a real threat.



Our ancestors were in a similar state when being chased by a lion, so it isn’t a great way to start the day.



While they don’t come out and explicitly use the word “evolution”, I believe it is implied here. No effort is given to mention how adrenaline is needed now. They attribute its usefulness to a time past when “ancestors” were faced with threats. Then, in the second quote, they make you imagine living in a world where lions commonly chased people because humans were very barbaric and outdoorsy. Also, notice the underlying theme in this common expression: chased by a lion. Where do lions live? Africa. Which race is most commonly taught as the original race from the “motherland”? The Negroid race from Africa. (That is the correct term, FYI.) They use this common expression as if we aren’t faced with threats currently. As if there are no modern day animal attacks. As if animals haven’t killed any humans in “millions of years”.

Getting back to the topic they were addressing in their ridiculously slanted statements, adrenaline is a hormone, which is a messenger in the body. It produces quick transmissions of signals and revs up your body for any emergency. I don’t need to pretend that my ancestors were grunting cavemen to understand or even experience what adrenaline does for me. It is currently necessary for many reasons, not because of a made up caveman fairy tale, but because of real life which has times where adrenaline serves a purpose.

Body Hair

“Body hair harks back to our prehistoric ancestors – it was our only garment, keeping us warm and protecting us from environmental impact such as sunlight, explains Nick Lowe, consultant dermatologist from London’s Cranley Clinic. While few of us have dense enough hair to serve this purpose now, someone who’s particularly hairy may have an extra degree of sun protection, he says. Another historic function of body hair was to keep us warm, says Professor Tobin, who is also director of the Centre for Skin Sciences. ‘We do know bald heads lose more heat, and that when we’re cold, our body hair stands on end to trap warm air closer to the surface of the skin.’


Evolutionists be like: Let’s pretend body hair is a caveman thing, because that’s how it looks in the fake pictures they showed us in elementary school.

Prehistoric ancestors? Why would you need to be a “prehistoric” being (which is a made up term) to benefit from something that keeps you warm? The entire article is about how hair benefits us right now and we aren’t “prehistoric” now. But somehow its benefits are from a prehistoric time?

And here’s the stupidest part of the entire claim: body hair stands on end to “trap warm air”. I was taught that in school but it never sounded right to me. They are referring to goose bumps. How does hair standing up on end trap warm air? Wouldn’t that release warm air? Would you take your jacket off in cold weather to trap warm air? Isn’t this the stupidest thing ever uttered? If anything, it lifts the heat-trapping hair away from the body and lets go of the heat.

How about a new theory… goose bumps are like little muscles that tighten up to increase blood flow in the skin thereby generating heat in an attempt to deal with the cold. I don’t know if that is true, but at least it makes sense.

Psychological Tendencies

2019/04/09 – Here’s another fine example of it happening. Some that we humans have a tendency toward must be related to our imagined evolutionary history. Start at 3:08.


So, these are just a few examples of something I see and hear almost daily. It is completely uncalled for. It is unscientific. I cannot see how it adds any credibility to their story or anything positive. It sounds like someone desperate to say something meaningful but lacking the ability to do so. Eventually, they’ll figure it out. I have faith.


  • 2019-01-01
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