SQL Server – All Objects On Instance Sorted By Date
One common question I hear whenever something begins to go wrong is, “Has anything been changed recently?” Finding recent changes can be a good place to search, depending on the issue, so here is a script to do just that.
/* - Relatively light weight - runs in a couple seconds. - Does not modify any objects (except the temp table made within) - Displays all objects on instance sorted by modified date descending - Identifies whether it was new or modified Author: Ben Farnsworth Reference for Types: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177596.aspx */ CREATE TABLE #t( [dbName] VARCHAR(100) ,[obj_name] VARCHAR(255) ,[type] VARCHAR(100) ,[create_date] DATETIME ,[modify_date] DATETIME ,[New or Modified] VARCHAR(100) ); GO sp_msforeachdb @command1 = ' USE [?] INSERT INTO #t SELECT ''?'',name, CASE WHEN type = ''AF'' THEN ''Aggregate Function'' WHEN type = ''C'' THEN ''CHECK constraint'' WHEN type = ''D'' THEN ''Default or DEFAULT constraint'' WHEN type = ''F'' THEN ''FOREIGN KEY Constraint'' WHEN type = ''L'' THEN ''Log'' WHEN type = ''FN'' THEN ''Scalar function'' WHEN type = ''FS'' THEN ''Assembly (CLR) scalar-function'' WHEN type = ''FT'' THEN ''Assembly (CLR) table-valued function'' WHEN type = ''IF'' THEN ''In-lined table-function'' WHEN type = ''IT'' THEN ''Internal table'' WHEN type = ''P'' THEN ''Stored procedure'' WHEN type = ''PC'' THEN ''Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure'' WHEN type = ''PK'' THEN ''PRIMARY KEY constraint (type is K)'' WHEN type = ''RF'' THEN ''Replication filter stored procedure'' WHEN type = ''S'' THEN ''System table'' WHEN type = ''SN'' THEN ''Synonym'' WHEN type = ''SQ'' THEN ''Service queue'' WHEN type = ''TA'' THEN ''Assembly (CLR) DML trigger'' WHEN type = ''TF'' THEN ''Table function'' WHEN type = ''TR'' THEN ''SQL DML Trigger'' WHEN type = ''TT'' THEN ''Table type'' WHEN type = ''U'' THEN ''User table'' WHEN type = ''UQ'' THEN ''UNIQUE constraint (type is K)'' WHEN type = ''V'' THEN ''View'' WHEN type = ''X'' THEN ''Extended stored procedure'' END AS [Type], create_date, modify_date, CASE WHEN create_date = modify_date THEN ''New'' Else ''Modified'' END AS [New or Modified] FROM sys.objects --WHERE type = ''P'' ORDER BY modify_date DESC ' SELECT * FROM #t WHERE DB_ID(dbName) > 4 ORDER BY modify_date DESC DROP TABLE #t