Finding Active Node in SQL Server Cluster
The T-SQL method to find the active node that a SQL service is running on: SELECT...
The T-SQL method to find the active node that a SQL service is running on: SELECT...
For those of us not lucky enough to live in Arizona (where daylight savings is ignored...
Validate SQL Code Without Running It In a nutshell: SET NOEXEC ON; — The script now...
I almost found a bug… but it’s a feature after all. If you are scripting out...
AdventureWorks sample databases seem to be so hard to find when you want them. Here’s a...
/* Author: Ben Farnsworth Date: 1/7/14 Get info on Data files */ IF OBJECT_ID(‘tempdb..#space’) IS NOT...
An issue arose where a database was giving the error: Could not allocate space for object...
This script is intended for environments where space constraints require the space to be closely maintained....
Today I ran a script to delete a huge portion of data in a DEV environment...
This returns a result for each database and includes its size in MB. SELECT DATABASE_NAME DBNAME...