SQL Server – Database Stuck In Single User Mode
If you've painted yourself into the single_user corner, here is how you can get out.
If you've painted yourself into the single_user corner, here is how you can get out.
In my computing environment, I have a set of tools that I rely on because they just make life easier. Here they are in order of (perceived) actual usage.
Getting all services running SQL Server using T-SQL: SELECT * FROM sys.dm_server_services
Getting all SQL Server services running on a server using PowerShell: Get-WmiObject -Class sqlservice -Namespace “ROOT\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement11″...
PowerShell script that prints out the state of the node you are on – Active or Passive.
One common question I hear whenever something begins to go wrong is, “Has anything been changed...
Although moving database files around is simple, it is a still big deal. When you do...
If you need to compare two users in SQL Server, here is a handy script. The...