Faith / Opinion · 2013-10-21

People Are Not Illegal

EDIT 4/16/2019
I no longer see things this way. Perhaps I should delete the post, but I think I’ll keep it for now. It’s a good way to show that I can admit when I’ve been wrong. This way of thinking was wrong. Conceptually, it is accurate, but in practice it does not work. Nations are for the safety of the whole. While they don’t protect every single person, they do create boundaries that prevent the easy passage of bad people. Illegal immigration is a path of criminals. Legal immigration exists and should be followed.


What do you think when you hear about “illegal aliens”?  And then the disdain that goes along with it?  People have nick-named them “illegals”.  They report how many “illegals” are estimated to be in the “United States”.  Does this strike you as dehumanizing them, just a little bit?

I won’t even go in to what this so-called country was founded upon, who our ancestors were, and all of the usual dribble used to wallow in the controversy of the location of these human beings.  I see it much different than most people.

What is a “nation”?  Isn’t it just an area containing people which is defined by arbitrary borders? All these “illegals” did was travel across an arbitrary point on the land.  They didn’t go into someone’s house and rob them, they didn’t bomb another nation, they just traveled on the Earth across the land.  If you lived in horrible conditions, wouldn’t you move, too?  What makes your own placement in the [land mass commonly referred to as] “United States” any more legitimate than someone else’s?

The Native Americans (Indians, as called by the constitution) were certainly here first.  Did you try to learn their language?  Why not?  Does the ability to slaughter a group of people make you feel that they are inferior to you?  Do you want to be truthful, consistent, or just dominate people?  If you want to be consistent then you must feel some conflict with your nation’s roots and what you want for your nation now.

Jesus said to “do unto others as you would want them to do unto you”.  Would you want to be ridiculed for trying to escape horrible living conditions?  Or for simply trying to better yourself?

Who is your real father?  The “founding fathers”?  Or God the Father?  Are you a child of a nation?  If so, you will view other people as the same, and judge them based upon where they come from.  If God is your Father, then you will see all people as children of God.

Have you been making this mistake?  It’s ok, you can change.  You’re simply doing what you’ve been trained to do, but now that you’re aware of it, you can change if you want to.