Voice Mail Telling Me To Go To FinallyFoundABetterWay.com

Did you receive this phone call too?  I got a voice mail from (480)449-4224.

All I had to do to change my life was to go to FinallyFoundABetterWay.com.  I figured it would be entertaining for my lunch break, so I tried it.  If you want to the quick low-down, don’t bother trying it.  Here is what they do:

  • They give you some genuine information about the poor, middle class, and the rich
  • Remind you that you should be investing your money, not spending it on “stuff”
  • Try to get you to send someone $3,500 in hopes that you get more people to send you $3,500

That’s it.  It’s a chain letter using the internet and phones.  Can it work?  Probably, if you luck out, but it’s a pretty shaky way to try to earn money, and reminds me of something that is illegal.

I hope I saved someone some time.  And if you’re the guy that called me, try to find a way to add to society rather than using pyramid chaining schemes.

Here is the voice mail, if you’d like to hear it. It’s a qcp file and might require VLC to play it.


  • 2013-08-20