Improve Poor Memory Writer #1, 2012-03-22 This is less of a scholarly article and more of a testimony. There is a small list of nutrients that have worked wonders. Here’s the story: After learning about vitamin D and how it can help sleep, I wanted to give it a whirl. My memory issues sort of felt like lack of sleep and yet I wasn’t that lacking of sleep. Maybe it was sleep quality rather than quantity. So, I now blast my body with vitamin D, which by the way, is not a vitamin. Vitamin D is a hormone. Vitamin D helps your body go into a deep sleep. Vitamin B-12 is also important to regulate sleep and energy levels. I take a sublingual B-12 supplement in the morning along with vitamin D. Then I take a dose of lecithin granules to get my essential fatty acids. After taking these things, I feel amazing. My brain begins working properly with these nutrients. My memory becomes somewhat photographic and information sticks in my mind with little effort. When I try to recall things, I can literally see the things in my mind. I am able to analyze concepts, conversations, arguments, and recall information. I have likely been deficient in these nutrients and supplementing them has worked wonders. The amounts I take are: Vitamin D : 2000-4000 UI (about 10 times the RDA) Vitamin B-12 : 3000 mcg (50,000 times the RDA) Lecithin Granules : 1 scoop of Whole Foods brand which is about 1-2 tablespoons If these things help you, please let me know in the comments! Health Opinion Random Awesomeness b12how to improve memoryimprove memoryimprove sleeplecithinnutrients that improve memoryphotographic memoryvitamin d